Our Committee

Our 2024/25 Committee of Management @ PYC 

Our committee consists of five officers; Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Treasurer and Secretary, who are supported by six general committe members, all of whom are elected at the Annual General Meeting each year. We are all volunteers.

The committee meets a minimum of nine times in each year, usually on a Tuesday evening, to plan for the successful running of our Club. Our Annual General Meeting is held in the month of May and quarterly General Meetings are held in the months of October, January and March.

Candidates who wish to nominate for election as either an officer of the Club or as a general committee member must be a current member of Parkdale Yacht Club and will be required to submit their Nomination Form to the Secretary of the Club at least seven days before the next annual general meeting (AGM) (see File for Download below to access nomination form)

If you are interested in knowing more about our committee please contact our Commodore.

Contact Email Details:



Commodore - Tamara Ford

Ensures the management of the Club is being carried out by all officers of the Club to the best of their abilities and is chairman at all meetings of the Club.

Vice Commodore - Peter Monkhouse

Manages the Club's assets; which includes the building and equipment. Assists the Commodore and in his absence acts in his stead.

Rear Commodore - Chris Hewitt

Arranges the Club race programs and is responsible for trophies and honour boards. Also assists the Commodore and Vice Commodore.

Secretary - Kana Cooper

Keeps the minutes of resolutions and proceedings of each general meeting and each committee meeting.

Treasurer - Lachlan Smale

Manages the accounts, budgeting and financial affairs of the Club. 

General Committee

 Frank Alderuccio (Membership) , Jude Smale (Rack Master & Trainer), Darren Hawkless (Trainer), Paul O'Shea, Cameron Berry

Files available for download
